Communication on differ-structure servicecenters
ServiceCenter and Eureka
Situation description:
- EurekaServer: The Service-center of Eureka
- AccountServer:The account server of register to Eureka
- Servicecomb-ServiceCenter:Servicecomb-ServiceCenter
- HelloServer:The server of register to Servicecomb-ServiceCenter,that dependent on account server
Instances cannot be discovered and accessed by each other between different service centers, in a traditional environment. This will be easy to implement when we use Syner. As shown below:
Operating environment
Before starting:
- Install ServiceCenter Release(>=1.3.0)
$ project_dir=`pwd` $ tar -zxvf apache-servicecomb-service-center-1.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Download the sample
git clone cd ${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer
Step 1: Launch the Eureka environment and services
One of the machines:
1. Compile EurekaServer and AccountServer
$ cd samples/multi-servicecenters/eureka
$ mvn clean install
2. Run EurekaServer:
- Modify the startup configuration
File path:${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/eureka/eureka-server/src/main/resources/application.yaml
spring: application: name: eureka-server server: port : 8761 # servlet: # context-path: /eureka eureka: instance: hostname : client: registerWithEureka : false fetchRegistry : false serviceUrl: defaultZone : http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/ management: endpoints: web: exposure: include: "*"
- Run server
$ cd ${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/eureka/eureka-server/ $ nohup mvn spring-boot:run & >> eureka-server.log 2>&1 &
Open in the browser, this is successful if the following page appears.
3. Run AccountServer
- Modify the startup configuration
File path:${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/eureka/account-server/src/main/resources/application.yamlspring: application: name: account-server server: port: 8090 eureka: instance: hostname: client: service-url: defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:8761/eureka/ management: endpoints: web: exposure: include: "*"
- Start AccountServer
$ cd ${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/eureka/account-server $ mvn spring-boot:run #This is successful if the result like this, 2019-09-19 17:20:35.534 INFO 20890 --- [ main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8090 (http) with context path '' 2019-09-19 17:20:35.548 INFO 20890 --- [ main] .s.c.n.e.s.EurekaAutoServiceRegistration : Updating port to 8090 2019-09-19 17:20:35.551 INFO 20890 --- [ main] o.a.s.s.account.AccountApplication : Started AccountApplication in 3.92 seconds (JVM running for 6.754) 2019-09-19 17:20:35.617 INFO 20890 --- [nfoReplicator-0] : DiscoveryClient_ACCOUNT-SERVER/ - registration status: 204
Reopen, you can see that AccountServer has been registered successfully.
4. Run Syncer of eureka
$ cd ${project_dir}/apache-servicecomb-service-center-1.3.0-linux-amd64/
$ ./syncer daemon --sc-addr --bind-addr --rpc-addr --sc-plugin=eureka --node eureka
#This is successful if the result like this,
2019-09-19T17:28:28.809+0800 INFO etcd/agent.go:55 start etcd success
2019-09-19T17:28:28.809+0800 INFO grpc/server.go:94 start grpc success
2019-09-19T17:28:28.809+0800 DEBUG server/handler.go:39 is leader: true
2019-09-19T17:28:28.809+0800 DEBUG server/handler.go:43 Handle Tick
Step 2: Start the Servicecenter environment and services
Another machine:
1. Compile HelloServer
$ cd ${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/servicecenter/hello-server/
$ GO111MODULE=on go build
2. Run Servicecenter
- Modify the startup configuration:
File path:${project_dir}/apache-servicecomb-service-center-1.3.0-linux-amd64/conf/app.conffrontend_host_ip = frontend_host_port = 30103 #sever options #if you want to listen at ipv6 address, then set the httpaddr value like: #httpaddr = 2400:A480:AAAA:200::159 (global scope) #httpaddr = fe80::f816:3eff:fe17:c38b%eth0 (link-local scope) httpaddr = httpport = 30100 #...以下省略...
- Run ServiceCenter and Frontend
$ cd ${project_dir}/apache-servicecomb-service-center-1.3.0-linux-amd64 $ ./ $ ./
Open in the browser, this is successful if the following page appears.
3. Run HelloServer
- Modify the startup configuration
File path:${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/servicecenter/hello-server/conf/microservice.yamlservice: # Micro service configuration appId: eureka # The appID is "eureka", if the instance synced from eureka. name: hello-server version: 0.0.1 instance: # Instance information protocol: rest listenAddress: #The listening address of the instance provider: # Provider information appId: eureka name: account-server version: 0.0.1 registry: address:
- Start HelloServer
$ cd ${project_dir}/servicecomb-service-center/syncer/samples/multi-servicecenters/servicecenter/hello-server $ ./hello-server 2019-09-19T18:37:50.645+0800 DEBUG servicecenter/servicecenter.go:163 send heartbeat success 2019-09-19T18:37:50.645+0800 WARN servicecenter/servicecenter.go:85 discovery provider failed, appID = eureka, name = account-server, version = 0.0.1 2019-09-19T18:37:50.645+0800 INFO servicecenter/servicecenter.go:87 waiting for retry
Reopen, you can see that HelloServer has been registered successfully.
But, the instance of AccountServer belonging to the EurekaServer cannot be found, the HelloServer is in the retry state.
(Warning: We must complete the operation within 3 retry times (90 seconds))
4.Run Syncer of service-center
$ cd ${project_dir}/apache-servicecomb-service-center-1.3.0-linux-amd64/
$ ./syncer daemon --sc-addr --bind-addr --rpc-addr --sc-plugin=servicecenter --join-addr --node servicecenter
#This is successful if the result like this,
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 DEBUG server/handler.go:62 is leader: true
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 DEBUG server/handler.go:79 Receive serf user event
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 DEBUG serf/agent.go:130 member = servicecenter, groupName = 0204d59328090c2f4449a088d4e0f1d8
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 DEBUG serf/agent.go:130 member = eureka, groupName = 34f53a9520a11c01f02f58f733e856b3
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 DEBUG server/handler.go:97 Going to pull data from eureka
2019-09-19T18:44:35.536+0800 INFO grpc/client.go:76 Create new grpc connection to
2019-09-19T18:44:35.538+0800 DEBUG servicecenter/servicecenter.go:87 create service success orgServiceID= account-server, curServiceID = 80784229255ec96d90353e3c041bdf3586fdbbae
2019-09-19T18:44:35.538+0800 DEBUG servicecenter/servicecenter.go:90 trying to do registration of instance, instanceID =
2019-09-19T18:44:35.540+0800 DEBUG servicecenter/sync.go:63 Registered instance successful, instanceID = 78bca3e2daca11e99638fa163eca30e0
Step 3: Results Verification
At this point, HelloServer gets the instance successfully, and calls the CheckHealth interface of AccountServer.
- Open the website of Euraka and ServiceCenter respectively. Both service centers contain all the instance information.
- Call the Login interface of HelloServer used the command line of curl,
$ curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "user":"Jack", "password":"123456" }' welcome Jack
HelloServer and AccountServer respectively print the following information.