ServiceComb Pack Release Guide


Creating a GPG keypair

  1. Install GnuPG

Download and Install GnuPG 2.0.20 version.

$ gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG/MacGPG2) 2.2.20
libgcrypt 1.8.5
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1. Configure GnuPG

Refer to the Recommended to configuration the $HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf file

personal-digest-preferences SHA512
cert-digest-algo SHA512
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
  1. Generate a new key

Generate a GPG key with an ASF account. For more details Generate Key with GPG

$ gpg --full-gen-key
gpg (GnuPG/MacGPG2) 2.2.34; Copyright (C) 2022 g10 Code GmbH
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Please select what kind of key you want:
   (1) RSA and RSA (default)
   (2) DSA and Elgamal
   (3) DSA (sign only)
   (4) RSA (sign only)
  (14) Existing key from card
Your selection? 1
RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.
What keysize do you want? (3072) 4096
Requested keysize is 4096 bits
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
         0 = key does not expire
      <n>  = key expires in n days
      <n>w = key expires in n weeks
      <n>m = key expires in n months
      <n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0)
Key does not expire at all
Is this correct? (y/N) y

GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.

Real name: [Your ASF LDAP username]
Email address: [Your ASF email]
You selected this USER-ID:
    "[Your ASF LDAP username] (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[Your ASF email]>"

Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O

You need a [GPG PASSPHRASE] to protect your secret key, Please remember it.

  1. Find GPG Public Key ID

You can find [GPG Public Key ID] with the following command, Please remember it.

$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa4096 2022-05-05 [SC]
      [GPG Public Key ID]
uid           [ unknown] [Your ASF LDAP username] (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[Your ASF email]>
sub   rsa4096 2022-05-05 [E]
  1. Distributing keys

Upload the [GPG Public Key ID] to a public keyserver

gpg --keyserver --send-key [GPG Public Key ID]

Verify the distribution with the following command (may take a while)

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys [GPG Public Key ID]

If you see the following message, it means the distribution has been successful.

gpg: key [GPG Public Key ID]: "[Your ASF LDAP username] (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[Your ASF email]>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
  1. Add public key fingerprint to your ASF LDAP

You must also add them to your LDAP record using the Apache self-service app.

$ gpg --fingerprint Lei Zhang
pub   rsa4096 2022-05-05 [SC]
      [public key fingerprint]
uid           [ unknown] [Your ASF LDAP username] (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[Your ASF email]>
sub   rsa4096 2022-05-05 [E]
  1. Back up public & private key

export public key

gpg -a -o public-file.key --export [GPG Public Key ID]

export private key(need GPG PASSPHRASE)

gpg -a -o private-file.key --export-secret-keys [GPG Public Key ID]
  1. Add public key to ASF SVN KEYS
svn co --depth=empty
svn up KEYS
cat public-file.key >> KEYS
svn commit -m 'add [Your ASF email] gpg public key'

svn co --depth=empty
svn up KEYS
cat public-file.key >> KEYS
svn commit -m 'add [Your ASF email] gpg public key'

Apache Maven Configuration

We need to configure the server address, account and password of the Apache Maven repository with Password Encryption.

  1. Create a Maven master password
$ mvn --encrypt-master-password [Maven master password]

Add [Encrypted Maven master password] to ~/.m2/settings-security.xml

  <master>[Encrypted Maven master password]</master>
  1. Encrypt your ASF LDAP password
$ mvn --encrypt-password [Your ASF LDAP password]
  1. Encrypt [GPG PASSPHRASE]
$ mvn --encrypt-password [GPG PASSPHRASE]
  1. Add ASF server configuration in ~/.m2/settings.xml
      <username>[Your ASF LDAP username]</username>
      <password>[Encrypted ASF LDAP password]</password>
      <username>[Your ASF LDAP username]</username>
      <password>[Encrypted ASF LDAP password]</password>
      <passphrase>[Encrypted GPG PASSPHRASE]</passphrase>

Release ServiceComb Pack

This document is based on the 0.7.0 official release process. Please announce the upcoming release via one week before the official release to confirm that the code is ready.

Hello All,

Since from last ServiceComb pack [Previous version] release, we have made significant changes, so now is the time to release the new version [Release version].

I will cut a new release tomorrow morning from the branch[Branch name].

@PMC/@Committers please let me know if there is any important patch we need to merge before this release.


NOTE: The PMC Approval part of the release process usually takes three days to release without any PMC voting -1 officially, so plan for your release.

Upload to Staging Repositories

  1. Clone code from GitHub
mkdir ~/Work/apache-release-workspace
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace
git clone
  1. Build & Deploy, Note: Use -Drevision=0.7.0 to specify the version
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack
mvn deploy -DskipTests -Prelease -Drevision=0.7.0
  1. Visit, Select the artifact in Staging Repositories and click Close to complete the temporary release.

Verify artifacts

Before launching the vote, we need to verify the Artifacts just deployed in Staging Repositories. We need to configure some parameters to allow the acceptance test to download those Artifacts from Staging Repositories. For more details, please refer to Guide to Testing Staged Releases

  1. Delete Artifacts in the local repository
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/servicecomb/pack
  1. Configuring the Staging Repositories in ~/.m2/settings.xml
  1. Run acceptance tests, Note: Use -Drevision=0.7.0 to specify the version
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack
mvn clean verify -f demo -Pdemo -Pdocker -Drevision=0.7.0 -Pstaged-releases -U
mvn clean verify -f acceptance-tests -Pdemo -Pdocker -Drevision=0.7.0 -Pstaged-releases
  1. Find if there is a SNAPSHOT version in the local artifact.
find ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/servicecomb/pack -name "*-0.7.0.pom" | xargs grep "SNAPSHOT"
  1. If everything goes well, we will create the branch 0.7.x, tag 0.7.0, and update the trunk version to 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT

Create and push branch 0.7.x

cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack
git checkout master
git checkout -b 0.7.x
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=revision -DnewVersion=0.7.0
git add pom.xml
git commit -m 'Cut 0.7.0 Release'
git push origin 0.7.x

Create and push tag 0.7.0 base branch 0.7.x

cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack
git tag -a 0.7.0 -m "ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0 Release"
git push origin 0.7.0

Switch trunk and Update the trunk version to 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT

cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack
git checkout master
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=revision -DnewVersion=0.8.0-SNAPSHOT
git add pom.xml
git commit -m 'Update Release Number to 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
git push origin master

Sign the Release & Upload to ASF SVN

  1. Checkout Apache dev Release SVN
mkdir ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist
svn co --username=[你的 ASF LDAP 用户名] --password=[你的 ASF LDAP 密码]
  1. Create a new directory Apache dev Release SVN with release package name and release candidate number.
mkdir -p ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0/rc1
  1. Copy the release to the directory created in last step.
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0/rc1
cp ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack/distribution/target/ .
cp ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack/distribution/target/ .
cp ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack/distribution/target/ .
cp ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/servicecomb-pack/distribution/target/ .
  1. Generate sha 512 checksum
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0/rc1
shasum -a 512 >>
shasum -a 512 >>
  1. Upload the release to the SVN
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack
svn add 0.7.0
svn commit -m 'prepare for 0.7.0 RC1'  --username=[Your ASF LDAP username] --password=[Your ASF LDAP password]
  1. Download all the releases from SVN and verify the signature and checksum.
mkdir ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/verify
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/verify
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O

Verify checksum

cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/verify
shasum -c
shasum -c

Import KEYS

curl >> KEYS
$ gpg --import KEYS

Verify the PGP signature

cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/verify
gpg --verify
gpg --verify

Creating release notes

Creating release notes on JIRA

PMC Approval

Send voting email [VOTE] Release Apache ServiceComb Pack version 0.7.0 to

Hi all,

This is a call for Vote to release Apache ServiceComb Pack version 0.7.0

Release Candidate:

Staging Repository:

Release Tag:

Release CommitID:

Release Notes:

Keys to verify the Release Candidate:

Voting will start now (Thursday, 12th May 2022) and will remain open for
at-least 72 hours, Request all PMC members to give their vote.

[ ] +1 Release this package as 0.7.0
[ ] +0 No Opinion
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

On behalf of the ServiceComb Team


Wait for 72 hours. You need to send the vote closed notice to

Hi All,

Thanks all for voting on this release, the vote has been closed now, and we will announce the results shortly.


Unless you get 3 +1 binding vote with no -1 vote. If you get even one -1 binding vote then fix the issue and start again from Release ServiceComb Pack. Publish the result of the vote in

Hello All,

We are glad to announce that ServiceComb community has approved the Apache ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0 release with the following results:

+1 binding: 3 ([PMC],[PMC],[PMC],...)

We will be publishing the release binaries soon.

On behalf of ServiceComb Team

Thanks all for your participation in this vote.



  1. Visit Select the staging repository and click the release button to finish the release. It will be automatically synchronized to Maven Central Repository after a while.

  2. Upload files from Apache dev Release SVN to Apache dist Release SVN

mkdir -p ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release
svn co
mkdir -p ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0
cp ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0/rc1/* ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release/servicecomb-pack/0.7.0
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release/servicecomb-pack
svn add 0.7.0
svn commit -m 'Upload ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0 Release'
  1. Delete Pack Release Candidate 0.7.0
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/dist/servicecomb-pack
rm -rf 0.7.0
svn delete 0.7.0
svn commit -m 'Remove ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0 RC'
  1. Delete Pack Release 0.6.0
cd ~/Work/apache-release-workspace/release/servicecomb-pack
rm -rf 0.6.0
svn delete 0.6.0
svn commit -m 'Remove ServiceComb Pack 0.6.0 Release'
  1. Wait Maven Central Repository sync completed

  2. Create a Release of 0.7.0 Tag on GitHub

Visit, click the Create release from tag button, and the content reference JIRA Release Notes

  1. Update ServiceComb Website
  1. Send the announcement mails [ANNOUNCE] Apache ServiceComb Pack version 0.7.0 Released to,
Hello All,

Apache ServiceComb Team is glad to announce the release of Apache
ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0

Apache ServiceComb Pack( is an
eventually data consistency solution for micro-service applications.
ServiceComb Pack currently has TCC and Saga distributed transaction
coordination protocol. ServiceComb Pack is composed of Alpha which plays
as a coordinator for the management of transactions and Omega which plays
as an agent and is an integral part of micro-services intercepting the
outgoing/incoming requests and reports transaction events to Alpha.

Download Links:

Release Notes:

Know more about ServiceComb:

ServiceComb Useful Links :
- Mailing lists:
- Gitter:

On behalf of ServiceComb Team
