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Using TLS

Scene Description

Users can enable TLS communication through simple configuration to ensure data transmission security.

External Service Communication Configuration

The configuration related to external service communication is written in the microservice.yaml file.

  • Service Center, Configuration Center TLS communication configuration    The connection between the microservices and the service center and the configuration center can be enabled by changing http to https. The configuration example is as follows:

yaml servicecomb: service: registry: address: config: client: serverUri:

  • Service provider enables TLS communication    When the service provider configures the service listening address, it can open TLS communication by appending ?sslEnabled=true to the address. The example is as follows:

yaml servicecomb: rest: address: highway: address:

Certificate Configuration

The certificate configuration item is written in the microservice.yaml file. It supports the unified development of certificates. It can also add tags for finer-grained configuration. The tag configuration overrides the global configuration. The configuration format is as follows:


The common tags are as follows:

Project tag
Service Center sc.consumer
Configuration Center cc.consumer
Kanban Center mc.consumer
Rest server rest.provider
Highway Server highway.provider
Rest client rest.consumer
Highway Client highway.consumer
auth client apiserver.consumer
Generally, there is no need to configure tags. The normal situation is divided into three categories: 1. Connecting internal services 2. As a server 3. As a client, if the certificates required by these three types are inconsistent, then you need to use tags to distinguish

The certificate configuration items are shown in Table 1. Certificate Configuration Item Description Table. Table 1 Certificate Configuration Item Description Table

Configuration Item Default Value Range of Value Required Meaning Caution
Ssl.engine jdk - No ssl protocol, provide jdk/openssl options default jdk
ssl.protocols TLSv1.2 - No Protocol List separated by comma
ssl.ciphers TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
- No List of laws separated by comma
ssl.authPeer false - No Whether to authenticate the peer - false - No Check whether the CN of the certificate is checked. This configuration item is valid only on the Consumer side and is valid using the http protocol. That is, the Consusser side uses the rest channel. Invalid for Provider, highway, etc. The purpose of checking CN is to prevent the server from being phishing, refer to Standard definition:
ssl.trustStore trust.jks - No Trust certificate file -
ssl.trustStoreType JKS - No Trust Certificate Type -
ssl.trustStoreValue - - No Trust Certificate Password -
ssl.keyStore server.p12 - No Identity Certificate File -
ssl.keyStoreType PKCS12 - No Identity Certificate Type -
ssl.keyStoreValue - - No Identity Certificate Password -
ssl.crl revoke.crl - No Revoked Certificate File -
ssl.sslCustomClass - implementation class No SSLCustom class implementation for developers to convert passwords, file paths, etc. -


  • The default protocol algorithm is a high-intensity encryption algorithm. The JDK needs to install the corresponding policy file. Reference: You can use a non-high-intensity algorithm in your profile configuration.
  • Microservice consumers, can specify certificates for different providers (current certificates are issued according to HOST, different providers use a certificate storage medium, this medium is also used by the microservice access service center and configuration center ).

Sample Code

An example of a configuration for enabling TLS communication in the microservice.yaml file is as follows:


#########SSL options
ssl.protocols: TLSv1.2
ssl.authPeer: true true

#########certificates config
ssl.trustStore: trust.jks
ssl.trustStoreType: JKS
ssl.trustStoreValue: Changeme_123
ssl.keyStore: server.p12
ssl.keyStoreType: PKCS12
ssl.keyStoreValue: Changeme_123
ssl.crl: revoke.crl
ssl.sslCustomClass: org.apache.servicecomb.demo.DemoSSLCustom